Eid Mubarak!!

Yesterday was Eid day..........What a wonderfully (tiring) day! So tiring that I had all of my energy sapped out of me and today there is not a shred of energy left, except for what it takes to loll about and roll around and tickle my cat and check for tidbits from the fridge (sounds like alot of energy eh? well it's not).

So anyway my sleepy and drugged brain frinally sent a message to the body that, hey, it's boring! Get something on mon!........so I decided to turn to my laptop. I mean, it's something that I can still do whilst lying down :-p. And when I turn on my laptop I see pictures from yesterdays Eid which means that now I have to blog them.

To cut a lot story short, I tooooooooootally didn't expect Eid to happen when it did. I mean..I really thought that it would be on Monday not on Sunday, which was why when the announcement came over the radio everyone was like HWAATT??!! I mean, we had barely started cooking yet!!! and that really jeapordized alot of our (especially my) cooking plans!! Here's what was the planned menu :

Chicken Souse
Maccaroni and Cheese (Bahamian Mummy style mmmm)
Jerk Chicken
Baked Chicken
Nasi impit
Kuah Kacang
Danish Pastries
Apple Pie/ Apple Crumble
Chocolate Pineapple Upsidedown cake
Macadamia chocolate chip cookies
Lemon Pound cake

WELL!! that menu had to be severely shortened and we ended up only making those ones in red. And that even kept us up until midnight. Initially we were going to stay up until 3am but ooooooh Ya Allah no ones eyes could take it! so we took some shuteye until 4am then got back up to continue. Really tiring, but it was worth it later on to see people enjoy it. Usually on other years I would have taken a weeks start to bake sweets and all but since I'm in KL now I dont have the chance :(. I was contemplating buying some of the gazillions of cookies and sweets everyone sells all over the place come Eid, but after a few horrible tasting sessions I decided NO WAY!! How can people even SELL that stuff and call it food??? most of the 'cookies' tasted like cat food and was like grit in my mouth!!...Home baked stuff any time man..

So come 7:30am everyone is scrambling to get ready. And that's when everyone found they coudln't find at least the one important item of clothing. Bey talk about chaos! the house just erupted lololol...and it wasn't even funny at the time, especially because I couldn't even find the khimar that was supposed to go with my outfit *sniff*. Abu and Mummy left us kids behind because we were taking so long haha.

But in the end Mummy and Abu went to a different masjid and we kids went to the PAS place for salaat. Not that we're politically inclined to them or anything no, but because the rest of my family is (haha) and so that's where they would go and we just wanted to be around the family.

So we went to the Musalla...........Not such a big turnout this year though, maybe some of them went over to UMNO? *snigger*

My cousin Masyitah during the Khutbah. How do kids get that bored to death expression? So funny.

Sweet Ain! A girl who I used to hang around with.

On the way back home after Eid Prayers.....that's the road to my house, we're now approaching the little Masjid I mentioned in one of my earlier posts. The one my great grandad helped build.

A close up of the masjid. It's just called Masjid Lama now. Everyone in Jasin knows it.....when i'm giving directions to my house I use it as a landmark :-D

Still on the way home..........some more kampung road....

Up the hill..........and now we reach home!! another thing I always include in directions " just keep going until you see the green wall..." :-)

Enter house. We had carefully cleaned it the night before and made it presentable. Should've seen it before! But the whole family was stopping by our house first since my mom is the eldest of the 9 siblings living in Melaka....so everyone must come to Mak langs house first lah.......Sisters were going to be in the dining area...

And men were going to be in the living room area. The house was jam packed with people and their kids and I will not bother to post the 'after' pictures. It was total CARNAGE!! so amazing what damage a few kids can do!!

Check out that Mac 'n Cheeeeeeeeeseeee!!! Everyone LOVED it!! I didn't even get any myself :'(

And lookit that crispy Jerk Chicken...people was linin' up to get a bite of the stuff man!....and I didn't get any either boo hoo.....

It was so funny though, not one of the guests wanted to eat the traditional Malaysian raya food!! They was just killin the Bahamian stuff and asking for the recipe lol. My mum was like "you're not going to eat my rendang??" and they were like "aaaaaah....why'd you even bother with that?? everyone does that! it's boring!"

Where's all the other food? Well I couldn't get around to taking pics. So many people were there and it was like total confusion...alhamdulillah my mom thought of styrofoam plates this year! that saved alot of backbreaking dishwashing which otherwise we 'anak dara' would have had to do LOL.

So alhamdulillah t hings went well, then we went for jalan raya...the part of raya which causes me to weep all the time..visiting house after house..Ya Allah..at first I set out on my heels, but then I quit and just changed to flip flops. By the time I crawled home I could barely gather the strength to take a shower wallahi. But I took it! and then...SLEPT.

Until the next morning.
That was my Eid.
The end.

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syilla said...

i want that mac n cheese......huhu