Iftaar on Ramadhaan day 1

Just 25 more minutes before we can tuck in!!
Oh Allah for you we have fasted and in you we believe and it is on your sustainence that we break our fast!

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david santos said...


Nourah said...
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Nourah said...

this looks too yummy!! Ramadhan Kareem :)

Krista Goon said...

Hi Nafeesah
Thanks for coming by my blog. Yes, I love making all natural stuff and growing my own stuff... despite me living in an apartment with hardly any space to call a balcony. I often pick seeds off vegetables when I am cutting them up and plop them into my pots and see if they grow. They usually do! As for fasting, I tried once, a half day fast but by mid afternoon I was so dizzy that I almost fell asleep on my PC! By the way, all the food looks super appetising.