How should I feel?
This morning I went to the grocery store to pick up some last minute items needed to prepare the Break Fast with. Boy was the place packed! everyone was buying groceries like there was a war coming tomorrow or something! Ramadhan does that to people.
After gathering the Cincau (seaweed jelly) yogurt, coriander and tapioca flour I stood in the checkout lane with my little brother Imraan. Just then I saw my Aunt come up with her two little boys and we hailed each other and I kissed her hand as per tradition. We began talking and in no time it was my turn to pay.
"Okay Mak Su, I'm going now!" I turned around to wave and when I turned back my Hijaab caught on a box standing on the counter and everything in it came tumbling onto the floor. Of course, I began apologizing to the cashier girl and I dropped down to pick everything back up.......A whole lot of tiny little white packets had dropped out of the box and they were everywhere on the floor.
So I grab a handful, and two handfuls, and then my eyes finally take in the picture which was printed on the little packets. A man and a woman hugging. Nothing registered to my mind as yet, and I turned over one of the packets to read it. Lol...when I did read it I felt like my brain was jarred with some sharp object. CONDOMS!!!
Ooooh My Allah, at that moment I was in a shock, I didn't know what to do! there I was kneeling on the floor with my white hijaab touching the ground and getting soiled ...surrounded by condom packets! and with a whole crowd of people just standing there watching me. I looked up and saw the look on my aunts face, her mouth was hanging open ... just a little.
I think I froze for a minute.
The cashier lady must have seen my look of shock because she rushed from behind the counter and began sweeping them up with her hands and telling me "it's okay sister, let me do it, it's okay"
Well!! I should have just taken her at her word and make a run for it right? But no, instead I told her " no no, let me help you pick them up, I made them fall" And so I just steeled myself and ignored the stares from the other customers and threw them higgledy-piggledy back into the box.
Driving back home I was a bit unsure about how I should feel. Embarrassed? Mortified? after all, what could be more embarrassing? People must have thought that I made the box fall over as I was buying a condom or something haha....But after thinking about it for a while I came to the conclusion - Just forget about it. Who cares.
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