It's been so long! Since moving to Kota Damansara I've had barely any time to use the Internet, and that's because my aunt and uncle have six kids and one the math.
But so far life as a kindergarten teacher has been...well...nothing short of hectic. Even tho the hours are relatively short being only from 9:30am to 2:00pm, by the time I get home I'm so drained it's all I can do to take a bath and drop into bed. And I would gladly fore go the bath if I didn't have this annoyingly sensitive skin which screams to be watered with a shower every 3 hours!
But it also has it's rewards, mainly seeing these too-sweet-to-be-real kids smiling at you in delight as they realize that they have just achieved it just reading a simple sentence, it really feels wonderful masha'allah.
Today I and two other teachers took class K-2 to the Planetarium so that they can pretend to be astronauts for a day. Ha-ha. We teachers were the ones feeling like astronauts by the end of that horrendous trip because our heads were spinning and aching and we were feeling nauseous and all, thanks to that ridiculous dome-shaped theater screen in the centre! I mean really! Did they really think that people are capable of craning their necks up for 1/2 an hour straight to watch some movie on the rainforest!! Even the kids were smart. They didn't even try. Instead they decided to add onto we teachers misery by playing who-can-jump-out-of-the-chair-the-fastest and watching the seats slam back into place; screaming the place down. If I had my way I for sure wouldn't have been watching that movie either! but then the principal insisted that we teachers watch and explain it all out to the students so... -sob-.
After tomorrow tho insha'allah, we're taking the playgroup kids out for an excursion to some place called FRIM, a forest reserve with rivers and waterfalls; for a hike. Ya Allah I dont even want to think of it. Can you imagine trekking in a mosquitoe infested forest with a group of 20 kids all below 4? I cannot......
But anyway! Life is all about experience is it not?
Last week two of my cousins, Akmal and Irsyad took off for Egypt for studies at Al-Azhar University. I felt kinda weird seeing them go, even a twist of sadness in my chest which kind of surprised me seeing that we were'nt all that close now since we've grown up. Whilst kids we were best of pals, and I was especially close with Akmal since we loved that he was only 9 days younger than me, but later on we just drifted apart. But I got to talk to them for a bit alhamdulilah, got to tell them to take care of themselves, got to tell them to keep in touch.....speaking about keeping in touch, I gotta sms them after this. All the best insha'allah and may Allah keep them safe! Ameen
 Irsyad (glasses) and Akmal at the airport |

Taking a picture with sister (glasses) aunt, brother, and cousins
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