Ramadhaan so far

The first thing I felt when Ramadhaan was officially announced was "If only I were in the Bahamas right now!" Weird...but at the same time not . Weird because at this same time last Ramadhaan I was talking to my aunts and cousins and wishing I could be in Malaysia for Ramadhaan, and not, because...well...to put it simply - Ramadhaan in the Bahamas is wonderful.

I miss the get togethers at the masjid with everyone coming together for iftaar to eat the yummy-for-the-tummy foods. Brother Faisals Punch!! Yumm. The queing up with paper plates in hand (haha) whilst peeping over the other sisters shoulder hoping there's enough left for you. Hanging out afterwards with our little group just doing nothing but eating and chilling and exchanging the latest news (which was usually no news lol), and if there was funny news Adila would squeal with laughter and roll over like she does whilst Amina let out her 'screams' of laughter, her hand slapping on anyone unfortunate enough to be too near. I miss making Taraaweeh with all the other sisters and trying hard to concentrate whilst listening to Nabeel and Maryam, Tashas girl, acting all sassy with each other. Most of all I miss the smallness of the community, and actually that was what made Ramadhaan even more special because then it was like a family get-together affair (okay maybe not exactly that, but I'm just feeling nostalgic right now so everything seems pretty)

Ramadhaan in Malaysia is a whole different affair, it's a large-scale event of course with all the Muslims in Malaysia fasting, the Muslim restaurants all closed, the huge Ramadhaan Bazaars selling all sorts of mouthwatering dishes for Iftaar, the TV commercials advertising the best energy drink for iftaar *rollseyes*, the free meals provided by the masjid for those who stop there for Maghrib prayer. But put all these aside and Ramadhaan in Malaysia is mostly a family affair. There are no community Iftaars or gatherings and I do miss that alot. But hey, it's wonderful not to be the only one hungry! It gives one a sense of comfort to see hundreds and thousands of other faces with those same hungry eyes.......... LOL.

But alhamdulillah, at least it's Ramadhaan and we have to make the best of it no matter where we are! So far alhamdulillah Ramadhaan has been okay, my family is finally adjusting to the fasting, with my father taking longer than the rest. On the first day, everyone (not counting me, I was fine as I had to fast 3 days prior to Ramadhaan so I was used to it already) was already in their death throes by 4 o'clock and by the time Maghrib time came around at 7:15pm it was all they could do to drag themselves to the table. Afterwards Haneef and Imraan had a vomiting marathon in the bathroom and my father declared himself to be "Really burned out man!" before flopping down on his bed and passing dead out. Well, he had an excuse I guess. He had spent his day chopping down a tree *smile*

It's only just 2:54 and i'm feeling whipped already today, not that I did that many things.

- I spent 1 1/2 hours just looking for a nice layout for my blog, I tried out about 15, getting angrier and angrier with each one. They just look so different in the samples but after I download the file and upload it onto my blog it looks completely different! I'm just settling for this one for now...what are those animals anyway? Llamas?

- I taught my cousins Syafiqah (pic)
and Maisarah, (pic)
whom I babysit, how to draw boxes and tulips in vases and together we drew pages and pages of them until they got fed up with it, and then I made some bead bracelets with them. It was so much fun! I never realized how fun it was to do art with children until now. The looks of concentration on their faces as they hold the bead between their pudgy clumsy fingers and try to thread it with the yarn is just priceless. And the delight that they showed in their completed projects was so heartwarming :) Whats even funnier is the way they hold their hand after putting on their bracelets! LOL it's like all of a sudden that hand becomes so limp and fragile and they hold it away from their body ever so carefully and walk around like that for the longest, just enjoying the feeling of having something pretty on.I need to buy more crafty things so I can do other projects with them *makes note in mind*

- Afterwards I began to feel feverish so I tried to get a nap, but was unsuccesful in doing so

- Cleaned out the fridge and washed the dishes and then pored thru recipe books trying to look for something good to make tonite. Settled on Riceflour Bhaijas and Biryani.

- Sat down to write a blog entry.

I am quite pooped now, I need to go and make my Salaat. My head is killing me and this fever is really getting the best of me. I should really try to get some sleep.

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