Long time no type

It has been long hasn't it? have you missed me blog? No? Well I didn't expect you too. Actually, and I'm sorry to break your chips-y heart; I haven't missed you either.

It's been just too painfully hot to blog! The heat is driving me insane, it's beating down in waves and sucking out all the moisture which I so carefully packed into my body at sahuur, so that by the time Iftaar time comes I gulp down my glasses of iced drink so fast I can't even taste them. It's all silence at the time at iftaar time, save for the glugging sound of throats which can't swallow the ice cold drinks fast enough.

I've just come in from watering the worms btw. Watering the what? you screech. The worms darling, the worms. You know? the wiggly ones that live in apple houses like in the story books? yes those ones, except that these ones are living in a bunch of straw and dirt and dried up goat poop spread out in wooden boxes in my porch. They are so exciting! I bought them last week, 2 kilos for me, and 2 kilos for Hafsah and all that time they've been doing nothing but wiggling around happily in the straw-y,poop-y dirt, making worm tea and vermicompost for my nice and lush garden-to-be (Insha'allah).

Worm tea. Yes the word makes me nauseous also.

But it gives me such happiness for some reason whenever I stare at their dirt haven and imagine them wiggling around underneath (I can't see them, they're 'underground') and as I sprinkle the thinly sliced watermelon skins over the dirt for them to eat I sing to them " Eat up wormy mormy eat uppp and get FAT" except that when I say it, it sounds like FUT.

So what else happened whilst I was away from blog-world?

Oh yes, I went to KL with my sis and bro to look around for an apartment and my sis went for a job interview,HAHA it gives me the stitches just to think about that interview!! I can still see the shock on her face as she reached the address and saw that it was a Modeling agency. Tut Tut, next time ask before you make a move little sis!

But that is all, Ramadhaan is drawing to an end and I dont even feel a prick of joy at Eid finally coming around. Everyone is asking me ' so what cookies are you making this year?' and I tell me "MALAS LARR" (I'm too lazy monnn) which is very bad of me, but who wants to bake cookies in this heat?

Oh yes, I also got some more old time tales out of my Aunt whilst I was in KL, some more interesting info about my long gone ancestors, and so I will write about that in another post Insha'allah :) :)

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