Dreams sometimes = weirdness

Night before last I was having a very reg'lar dream. You know, the type of dreams in which you're walking around the house, cutting onions, opening up the fridge looking for the snack that's never there and doing dishes. I dont know if that's the reg'lar type of dream for other people, but it is for me. I guess because my mother drums housechores and housechore-essentials into my head day and night.

In my regular dream I am doing just those things in total silence and all around me there is like a baby blue haze and it's very calm and sleepy, when all of a sudden someone begins knocking - no, hammering on the door. *Shizzle-Bang* and Mummy all of a sudden appeared from no where and flung open the door in a fury to see a late forty-ish looking lady standing on the doorstep. Very stylish the lady was, quite the hijabi magazine model. For some reason I didn't pay any attention to her and just went on doing what I was doing (I think it was washing the dishes). Oh yes and the setting of the dream was in Malaysia. Fully in Malaysia. Not the frontyard is Malaysia and the backyard is the Bahamas as my warped up dream machine usually makes them.

Here's the funny part.

She was Zinedane Zidanes Mom!

Here's the even funnier part.

She wanted me to marry her son!

*hears peals of laughter all over her head*

At first (in the dream) this didn't seem so funny or incredible. I didn't even know who the guy was. I guess that's why I just went on doing my dishes. But then my mother got all up in a heat and began making a fuss, to which the lady reacted by making an even bigger fuss, and insisting that I marry her son.

They were on the verge of having a woman style 'fist-fight' which we all know means tearing at each others hair and clothes when I woke up and began wondering; who is this guy with the Z-full name? He actually sounded familiar.....5 minutes later the internet showed me who he was, and I fell over in hysterics. What a dream!

Just now Hafsah walked into the room still half asleep and mumbling "Cendol shop? Where is King Abdullah making the cendol shop? and is Abu selling shingles? I thought you'll said the King is making a cendol shop"

Is it surprising that I'm still laughing?? Kings and Cendol shops indeed LOL.

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